Post by Hermione Granger on Dec 30, 2008 23:24:24 GMT -7
The Ministry of Magic is doing everything in their power to make everyone think that the Dark Lord has not return. They have gone as far as discrediting Albus Dumbledore and calling the boy who lived to the boy who lies. No body want to believe that Voldemort is back so the Ministry will keep having the daily prophet print lies so that no one would know what's really going on behind their backs. Witnessing Cedric Diggory's murder was very difficult for Harry. It was not helpful that he was forced back to Privet Drive for the summer holidays. To make things worse than they were already, Dolores Umbridge, under-secretary for the Minister for Magic, ordered Dementors to attack Harry in the Muggle town of Little Whinging. Harry was forced to perform a Patronus Charm to save him and Dudley. Subsequently, Harry was formally accused of performing underage magic and was made to appear at a Wizengamot hearing at the Ministry of Magic. He was threatened with expulsion from Hogwarts, but was exonerated with help from Albus Dumbledore. In retaliation against Dumbledore, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge appointed Umbridge as the new Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher so she can spy on the school. She was later appointed High Inquisitor, empowered to arbitrarily change and impose school rules. Shortly after their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson during their fifth year, it soon became clear to Harry, Ron and Hermione that practical defensive magic would not be taught in the class. Instead, a Ministry-approved course of theory, under the stewardship of Dolores Umbridge, would be taught. Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge was afraid that Albus Dumbledore would use these lessons to train an army of wizards and witches to oppose him and try to take over the Ministry since he refused to believe that Lord Voldemort had returned. Good vs Evil. That's what it really comes down to it's one or the other but the question is which side do you believe in the most? Is is the good fighting for what you believe in or the Evil fighting to take over the world. The choice you make here will be one of the most inportant ones you will ever make in your life so choose wisely because you don't get a second chance.